AMG #002 - Concept

Welcome to the Bunker - Kevin Goad 2020

Forgive me for the long pause. This has been an interesting summer, and I have been working through some other work, as well. So, for this post, I would like to introduce the initial concept and short story. In the overall AMG project, theme development will come before determining the layout of the project's space. With many projects, the space will more than likely be a preexisting building, or at the very least, controlled by surrounding factors. I feel that by using this direction, the student is able to pick the layout that best fits their particular theme. This type of project was conceived a way to introduce students to creating story/spaces in general. Further projects in a student's academic career would involve creating story/spaces with real-life restrictions. For me, this is project should begin with the story. I feel when the student has their story firmly in mind, then the design decisions will follow the lead of the story and this will hopefully foster a more cohesive solution. As I will discuss in the next post, the layout in a AMG project should also take cues from the theme and story. 

High Idea
Join a small group of scientists, tasked with discovering the secrets of a newly discovered spacecraft from the past.

Operating in small groups, guests will be equipped with a special helmet, and tasked with getting a fallen spacecraft operational. While exploring the craft, the guests will solve puzzles to discover why the craft crashed, and more importantly, why it appears over  130+ years old.

Extended Idea 
This AMG project is envisioned as a haunted house, escape room, murder mystery hybrid. Guests will enter in groups of 6, being tasked with certain roles (determined in pre-show), which will allow for members to control how the experience plays out. Each guests will be outfitted with a special helmet offering a HUD (heads-up display) and audio cues, while allowing the possibility for scent cues as well. 
The AMG experience is timed, and multiple scenarios can result from randomized effects and the pace of the investigative crew. The guests will be presented with the interior of a vessel that seems to be ripped from the late-1800’s. Instead a sleeker, more modern environment, elements will be large and chunky, allowing for interesting shadows and disorientation. Sections of the ship will be shifted slightly, as though the vessel has suffered internal and external damage.
The ultimate goal of this experience is to create the classic horror through suspense, rather than through gotcha moments. Although surprises can and do happen. This experience is designed for guests looking to enter into a more cinematic sci-fi environment.

Short Story
After days of traveling through the unforgiving dunes of the Sahara, you finally spot a large fabric tent, bone white against  an endless sea of sand. As you look over you brief, you recall some of the details, but remember that quite a bit of information seems either missing or purposely left out of the sparse packet. But essentially the details are that local reports document, that during the night, an unusual dust plume was spotted rising into the sky for many miles, last week. Anecdotal accounts from traveling groups also mention a streak of light in the sky before the reverberating noise of a large crash. The local government has called on a group of specialist to investigate a strange metal container. You and five other scientists/historians have been called in to try and determine what exactly came down from the sky.
Upon entering the pressurized tent, you are greeted by a site coordinator, who seems just a little too knowledgeable. They may need to be observed in the future. Looking around you, notice that the rest of your team has arrived as well. There is a certain edginess to the atmosphere, but also a sense of resolve by your team.
At the far end of the initial tent section is a pressure hatch, through which, hopefully you will find answers and not just more questions.

Over the course of this project, I will show various images and details, but I will be reserving the specifics. As I have thought about this project, I am struck that it is achievable. Other projects I have worked on have been rather grand, requiring a larger investment. With that being said, I hope you are entertained by the results.

Next Post
In my next post I will be discussing the layouts and the project next restriction: a sheet of paper. Also More Pictures!!!


AMG #003 - Layout


AMG #001 - Theming