AMG #001 - Theming

Every attraction or story/space needs to have a theme. For the purposes of this exercise, I felt that presenting students with a randomized theme would offer both excitement and a challenge, in that students would be confined by a randomized theme. For the AMG (A Mr. Gnat) Projects, I used Apple’s Shortcuts app on iOS to create a Themed Space Randomizer. The randomizer will provide a time (era), location (limited), and a genre. The student will be allowed one mulligan, but must use the second iteration, if generated. See examples below.

So for my 1st AMG Project, I received the theme:

In my next post, I will be exploring the story which I will develop to accompany the theme for my project.

‘Til then…Gnat out!


AMG #002 - Concept


A Mr. Gnat Project