AMG #003 - Layout

Ahhhhh. The power of a blank sheet of paper. It can bring both terror and a sense of excitement. For this project, it is a boundary, waiting to hacked and slashed into something special. I wanted to hand students a set area, or square footage, if you will, and then have them cut that area into smaller sections.

For this project, students will start with a standard sheet of 8 1/2" X 11" (Letter), which will then be cut into smaller angular section. The project is based off of the idea of a geometric puzzle called a tangram. similar to a tangram, students will then take their newly cut pieces and arrange them into different shapes, taking pictures of each layout. For my project, I started started with 4 possible options for cuts before settling on a particular route. As you can see in the pictures below, the cuts can be simple or more complex, depending on the student’s desire for a challenge. (More cuts can create more headaches.

The student should be thinking about the type of attraction they wish to create, and how the layouts will contribute to the the scale and theme of the project. By starting with a set area, the scale can be determined by the student. Whether they wish to create a theme park land or a museum exhibit, the shape still works.

My ultimate desire, in a traditional class setting, would be for the students to present their theme, general concept, and layout to the class. During the charrette (group meeting), the students would discuss the merits or issues of each layout. The student can either take the most popular or run with their own thinking. Remember, this is earlier in the student’s education, and I feel they should develop a better sense of their own abilities and judgement.

For my particular project, I went with the option in the lower right corner of the above images. I wanted to go with a more jagged layout, in order to enhance the horror nature of my project. My thought here, is that the many nooks coupled with strategic lighting will generate interesting shadows, and lend to the concept of a crashed vessel.

Below, you will find my 10 options for the project, Personally, I feel the student should strive for, at the very least 5-10 options, but ultimately the student should be exploring possibilities. After looking at my layouts, I can see that a number of them lend themselves to a walk through experience. I am going for a more single-entrance attraction, so that will determine how I proceed.

Next time - My choice for layout!

‘Til then…Gnat Out!


AMG #004 - CAD Modeling and Physical Start


AMG #002 - Concept