AMG #004 - CAD Modeling and Physical Start

Ok. Forgive me for the long absence. I have been dabbling with this project off and on over the course of this extended societal downtime.

My idea for the project is for the student to take their models and make a scale physical model, as well as to enter the layout into a program like Rhino or SketchUp to get more precise measurements. For me, I like to have my precision locked in from the get-go. I recreated my sliced letter-sized paper in Rhino, creating both original and flipped versions. I then recreated the layouts, making sure that cutting errors were fixed, and scaled them to life-size proportions. My scale was that 1” of paper equaled 20’ of real space. I ended up going with layout #9 from the previous post. My reasons are that I wanted a small entry for people to struggle through, a cargo area, and for the end to be in the ship’s cockpit. I really appreciated the nooks of some of the other spaces, but I was also trying to choose a more compact area. In a real-world situation, this method falls apart, but as a thought exercise, it requires the student to consider how the story and space are dependent on each other.

Once I was done, I realized that my space was very large for a crashed spaceship exploratory attraction. I wanted to create a sense of claustrophobia with the environment. The first image below shows the 10 layouts recreated in Rhino w/ the selected layout duplicated and scaled to my desired ration. The second image is the real-life layout (with proposed room dividers) along with a version scaled for a physical model. After the CAD work, I exported the line work and brought it into Affinity Designer for printing. I created multiple artboards , so that I could tape the together for transfer to my foam core board. The final image is the cut foam core.

Recently, I have decided to learn a new language. I decided to take French, and this has me thinking about the setting for the spaceship. I will be tapping into late 19th century French architecture.

Next time - More physical model and story…ooooh la la.

‘Til then…Gnat Out!


AMG #005 - Physical Model and CAD


AMG #003 - Layout