AMG #005 - Physical Model and CAD

I am a little on a role here. I went ahead and created the physical model. It is ugly, but it is a proof of concept. When I first started adding walls, to scale, it felt very small and I was worried I would need to trim the walls and create a new scale. As you will see in the images, the scale people demonstrate that the space isn’t that small and a cramped feeling lends to the environment I am after. Yes, I did make one of the people a cowboy.

Further in the project, I may revisit the model to add some of the details that I come up with. seeing the project this way helped me to notice a flaw in my story, and so I am considering the final room and how I envision the story playing out. I don’t want to give too much story away, but guests will initially explore the space with body-based lighting (think helmet-lights). They will be tasked with fixing the power and then going through other tasks to gain information for opening the captain’s quarters. Don’t tell anyone. It’ll ruin the surprise.

Below you will find some initial Rhino modeling, in which I decided to create levels near the end of the experience. I will be adding to this file over time as I ideate and model new elements.

Next time - Gonna show some concept images!

‘Til then…Gnat Out!


We Got a Guy Out Front, Boss


AMG #004 - CAD Modeling and Physical Start