AMG #5.5

Welp, Here we are, still in a pandemic. With that being said. I will be changing some things in the near future. One of the first changes is to the A Mr. Gnat Project. I had originally intended that it would be used as an educational exercise, but it is imperative that I work on other items. AMG will be a project that I update at various times, but it will be less explain-y. The next post will explain more. But the thing I really wanted to show was



I had this idea that one of the missions for guests would be to get the power back on, and that would require finding a fuse and placing it into a device with other fuses. I drew a few versions, and the one i liked is clunky, requiring people to navigate a cramped ship with this fuse. The idea is for it to have a lighting effect, which is activated when placed. Below are the sketches, and a short video.

Hope you like it. Oh, I think this project is going to take a weird twist. Cartoon horror!

Till next time…Gnat Out!


I’m Here, But They Bolted. Now What?


We Got a Guy Out Front, Boss